10-15 April 2011
iThemba LABS
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Abstracts are now invited

Oxygen deficiency monitoring at TRIUMF

Not scheduled
Auditorium (iThemba LABS)


iThemba LABS

P O Box 722 Somerset West 7129


Mr Doug Preddy (TRIUMF)


Cryogenic equipment is used in many modern accelerator facilities. A release of cryogens may cause an oxygen deficient atmosphere resulting in a hazardous work environment. A well designed oxygen deficiency monitoring system will allow a facility to run efficiently while still permitting workers access to operate and service the equipment in a safe manner. TRIUMF is in the process of upgrading the operation of its oxygen monitoring system. I will give an overview of the design process including hazard analysis, sensor selection, monitoring options, annunciations of alarms, what happens during a low O2 alarm, active monitoring versus procedural planning, and servicing and calibration requirements.

Primary author

Mr Doug Preddy (TRIUMF)

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