10-15 April 2011
iThemba LABS
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Abstracts are now invited

Operating the superconducting electron accelerator S-DALINAC - built, improved and operated mainly by students

Not scheduled
Auditorium (iThemba LABS)


iThemba LABS

P O Box 722 Somerset West 7129


Dr Ralf Eichhorn (TU Darmstadt, S-DALINAC)


Since the 1980s, the superconducting electron accelerator S-DALINAC was built and continuously improved at the Technical University of Darmstadt mainly by students in the framework of their master and Ph.D. thesis. With only limited technical assistance, this created operational challenges to face ever since: many subsystems have a poor design, some operate below specifications while others require high expertise of the user. Moreover, as the accelerator runs in an academic environment, technical details are mostly not documented while the students implementing new systems leave the institute once they got their degree. Nevertheless, the machine delivers roughly 2500 h beam on target yearly. We will report on the daily operational issues, the methods developed to keep the knowledge and training the students, operating the machine. Supported by the DFG through SFB634

Primary author

Dr Ralf Eichhorn (TU Darmstadt, S-DALINAC)


Mr Florian Hug (TU Darmstadt, S-DALINAC) Mr Jens Conrad (TU Darmstadt, S-DALINAC) Mr Martin Konrad (TU Darmstadt, S-DALINAC) Mr Sven Sievers (TU Darmstadt, S-DALINAC) Mr Thorsten Kuerzeder (TU Darmstadt, S-DALINAC)

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