10-15 April 2011
iThemba LABS
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Abstracts are now invited

Maintenance and Support for Increased Reliability

Not scheduled
Auditorium (iThemba LABS)


iThemba LABS

P O Box 722 Somerset West 7129


Mr Paul Sampson (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


Many factors affecting accelerator performance are associated with maintenance, repair and other support activities. At Brookhaven National Laboratory, the Collider Accelerator Department (CAD) is home to several accelerators including the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). At CAD, the overall organization and coordination of these tasks are the responsibility of the Maintenance and Accelerator Support Group (MSG). In order to assure overall reliability in an accelerator complex, an approach to maintenance and repair must be structured and systematic while maintaining flexibility. It is the change of the MSG to attain this goal. This talk will discuss the evolution of this process at CAD. An overview of methods for planning, execution and recovery from maintenance periods will be given. There will be a discussion of this methods effectiveness, as measured by increased reliability. Other topics mentioned will include: maximizing availability in a multi-user facility, minimizing the impact of new systems commissioning, streamlining accelerator start-up and plans for improvement.

Primary author

Mr Paul Sampson (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

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