5-7 August 2017
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Please note date change

Exploration of direct neutron capture with covariant density functional theory inputs

Not scheduled


Dr Zhang Shisheng (Beihang University)


Predictions of direct neutron capture are of vital importance for simulations of nucleosynthesis in supernovae, merging neutron stars, and other astrophysical environments. We calculated direct capture cross sections using nuclear structure information obtained from a covariant density functional theory as input for the FRESCO coupled reaction channels code. We investigated the impact of pairing, spectroscopic factors, and optical potentials on our results to determine a robust method to calculate cross sections of direct neutron capture on exotic nuclei. Our predictions agree reasonably well with experimental cross section data for the closed shell nuclei 16O and 48Ca, and for the exotic nucleus 36S. We then used this approach to calculate the direct neutron capture cross sections on Sn isotopes which are of interest for the astrophysical r-process.

Primary author

Dr Zhang Shisheng (Beihang University)

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