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4th China - South Africa Joint Symposium on Nuclear Physics


The University of Zululand, Stellenbosch University and iThemba LABS combine to host the 4th Symposium in the iThala Game Reserve in northern Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. This symposium will present opportunities for the presentation of latest research results and interaction, with the main motive to bring together not only leading nuclear physicists from South Africa and China, but also young researchers from both sides.

The main topics will be dedicated to nuclear reactions, nuclear structure, chirality in nuclei, nuclear physics with Radioactive-Ion Beams, neutron physics, nuclear astrophysics, accelerator physics, neutrino physics, environmental radiation and applications.

Possibilities to extend the co-operation among physicists from China and South Africa will also be discussed. This symposium will certainly be helpful in the exchange of new ideas, sharing of information and presentation of latest research results. The main aim is to strengthen the existing collaboration and to promote new collaborations between the South African and Chinese nuclear physics communities and thereby enhancing the development of nuclear physics and its applications on both sides.

The program will include speakers from both South Africa and China and in addition, experts from the field from other institutes. The Symposium program will cover a report back on existing, as well as new developments in the field of fundamental nuclear physics, applied nuclear physics, and physics of underground laboratories and nuclear astrophysics in the context of the China - South Africa collaboration in Nuclear Science.

The Nuclear Physics communities at Stellenbosch University and Peking University have a long standing relationship which has been developed over more than a decade. Strong collaborative ties and a number of exchange visits have resulted in internationally acclaimed research output. Since 2009 this collaboration has been extended to several universities and national research institutes which include the iThemba Laboratory for Accelerator Based Sciences, the University of the Western Cape and the University of Zululand in South Africa, as well as Shandong University, Beihang University, Tsinghua University, and China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) in China. Encouraged by the fruitful collaborations, the first joint China-South Africa symposium was held at Beihang University in Beijing in 2011, the second hosted by Stellenbosch University in 2012 and the third hosted by Shandong University in August 2015.



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