3-7 October 2011
East London International Convention Centre
UTC timezone
Call for papers now closed

Taking technology to the people, creating a reading nation: The role of the library in building literacy through the use of technology.

Not scheduled
East London International Convention Centre

East London International Convention Centre


Ms Bronwyn Biccard (EBSCO)


Mobile penetration in South Africa is increasing. it is predicted that by 2013 there will be approximately 117 mobile telephones per 100 people in South Africa. (Telcoms Industry Report: South Africa: March 2009) Technology, and in turn mobile technology, is allowing students and learners to empower themselves through access to information. Technology is also allowing for students and learners to participate in the literary function of reading, writing as well as communicating. Libraries, through the provision of e-resources, can be the enablers of knowledge. This paper will go into the relationship between the provision through e-resources and the use of mobile technology to build literacy in learners and students. It also aims to cover topics such as the learning experience and the personalisation of this experience and how these learning occurances are changed through the use of mobile technologies and the participation of the library therein. Although mobile technology presents an supports the opportunity of ongoing learning through the accessibility of technology presents and supports the learner or student of "mobile speak" becoming the norm in conversation, reading and writing.

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