20-26 September 2011
iThemba LABS
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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iThemba LABS is developing a proposal to produce beams of radioactive ions for nuclear and material research. The proposal is centered around the addition of a cyclotron capable of supplying two proton beams of up to 70 MeV energy, with a total current of 750 microamps. While one of these beams would be dedicated to radioisotope production for medical purposes, the other would be available for the production of radio-active ion beams. A summary of the proposal, still under development is available below for download. The workshop was held over two days and comprised talks by international and local experts, and parallel sessions of discussion groups to define experimental programme. The groups will eventually submit written proposals that will form the content of the physics case. The participants agreed that a letter of support should be addressed to the NRF and DST. If you wish to sign this letter of support, and/or submit your own, please register via the link on the menu.
iThemba LABS