3-7 October 2011
East London International Convention Centre
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Call for papers now closed

A Study on determinants influencing Information literacy and Information Seeking Behaviour of students in Academic Environment

Not scheduled
East London International Convention Centre

East London International Convention Centre


Mr Rajev MKG (Sur University College)


This study was undertaken to determine the needs of information services and information literacy and Information Seeking Behaviors among the students in Sur University College. This Study attempted to identify the students’ needs, accessibility, browsing, searching of information services, issues and concerns related to the availability of resources and the factors affecting the students accessibility and retrieval of information through survey questionnaire. This paper came out with the several important points about the issues related to the needs and availability of resources, how to meet and overcome of it. It also found the students information literacy on the usage of electronic resources. It also discusses the various challenges and the possibilities related to the building up of needs of information services.

Primary author

Mr Rajev MKG (Sur University College)

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