3-7 October 2011
East London International Convention Centre
UTC timezone
Call for papers now closed

Information Literacy: a cornerstone for Open Distance Learning

Not scheduled
East London International Convention Centre

East London International Convention Centre


Mrs Nampombe Mnkeni- Saurombe (University of South Africa)


Focusing on Information literacy is essential for open distance learning institutions (ODL) such as the University of South Africa because students and academics function in an information environment that is rapidly developing and becoming increasingly complex. Information literacy is described as a skill that is central to learning, as it enables individuals to recognize the need for information, locate it, evaluate it, effectively use and eventually communicate the outcome. Rapid development in technology and the proliferation of information has also led to the transformation of teaching methods at ODL institutions. As we embrace methods such as e-learning or blended learning, information literacy training still remains an important factor in producing successful programmes. This paper highlights the necessity for libraries and faculties in ODL institutions to integrate effective and appropriate information literacy programmes that can adapt to the moving trends in open distance learning.

Primary author

Mrs Nampombe Mnkeni- Saurombe (University of South Africa)

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