In the current world of science and technology, the contribution of nuclear science, technology and techniques cannot be overestimated. Humankind have benefited from many aspects of nuclear science and technology especially in areas such as power production, health services, agricultural developments and security. Moreover, nuclear techniques have continued to be beneficial for analysing food as well as environmental samples hence promoting good quality of life for everyone. Such benefits are the outcomes of continuous research efforts and knowledge expansion in nuclear science. That is to say, continuous research and development (R&D) activities is the key to the future success. Yet, the R&D activities require reliable expertise and instrumentation, which are vital aspects for safe and effective use of several nuclear techniques and technology. Nevertheless, most developing countries are far behind the developed countries in terms the aforementioned aspects. This causes not only difficulties in conducting cutting edge nuclear researches in the developing countries but also failure to take full advantage of the available nuclear technology, which could hugely boost the economies of these countries. In order to ease the situation, research collaborations between the less developed, developing and developed countries have always been suggested to take advantage of the available nuclear instruments. Thus, nuclear instrumentation and expertise make an important point of focus for collaborations between African countries and the United Kingdom (UK). This talk will highlight the importance of the inter-Africa and United Kingdom (UK) collaborations in the development of nuclear instrumentation and nuclear technology in Africa taking Tanzania as a case study.