2-7 December 2012
Protea Kruger Gate Hotel
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Final programme and Group Photo now posted

Searches for supersymmetry in resonance production, R-parity violating signatures and events with long-lived particles with the ATLAS detector

7 Dec 2012, 14:30
Protea Kruger Gate Hotel

Protea Kruger Gate Hotel

Kruger Park South Africa


Dr Helen Hayward (University of Liverpool)


An extended QCD sector beyond the minimal supersymmetric standard model or the admission of R-parity violation introduces new signatures to the search for supersymmetry at the LHC. Strongly interacting resonances may decay to jets, sleptons may decay via lepton-flavour violating processes and lightest supersymmetric particles may decay into many leptons with or without missing transverse momentum. Several supersymmetric models also predict massive long-lived supersymmetric particles. Such particles may be detected through abnormal specific energy loss, appearing or disappearing tracks, displaced vertices, long time-of-flight or late calorimetric energy deposits. The talk presents recent results from searches supersymmetry in resonance production, R-parity violating signatures and events with long-lived particles with the ATLAS detector.

Primary author

Dr Helen Hayward (University of Liverpool)

Presentation Materials

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