2-7 December 2012
Protea Kruger Gate Hotel
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Final programme and Group Photo now posted

The African School of Fundamental Physics and its Applications

4 Dec 2012, 20:30
Protea Kruger Gate Hotel

Protea Kruger Gate Hotel

Kruger Park South Africa


Dr Ketevi Assamagan (BNL)


We have established a biennial school of physics in Africa, on fundamental subatomic physics and its applications. The aim of the school is to build capacity to harvest, interpret, and exploit the results of current and future physics experiments with particle accelerators, and to increase proficiency in related applications, such as medicine, and technologies. The school is based on a close interplay between theoretical, experimental, and applied physics. The first school took place in Stellenbosch, South Africa on 1−21 August 2010. We proposed the second edition of the biennial school in Ghana on 15 July – 8 August 2012. In this talk, we will presented the activities of both school in 2010 and 2012.
Presentation Type Oral Presentation

Primary author

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