Chair: Dr Kobus Lawrie
Florian Weissbach
(FAIR GmbH, Darmstadt)
03/12/2013, 15:20
The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe, FAIR, will provide worldwide unique accelerator and experimental facilities offering to scientists from the whole world an abundance of outstanding research opportunities, broader in scope than any other contemporary large-scale facility worldwide. Indeed, it is the largest basic research project on the roadmap of the European Strategy...
Sydney GALES
03/12/2013, 15:55
The development of high power lasers and the combination of such novel devices with accelerator technology has enlarged the science reach of many research fields, in particular High energy, Nuclear and Astrophysics as well as societal applications in Material Science, Nuclear Energy and Medicine.
The European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) has selected a proposal based...