29 November 2023 to 3 December 2023
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
The Welcome Function for ANPC 2023 will be on Tuesday 28 November 2023 at 18h30

Multiplicity of Scision Neutrons from Density Functional Scission Dynamics

Not scheduled
Oral Nuclear Structure, Reactions and Dynamics


Prof. Nicolae Carjan ( ``Horia Hulubei'' National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering)


The time evolution of the nuclear density of the fissioning system $^{240}Pu$
during the scission process is obtained from the time-dependent superfluid
local-density approximation (TDSLDA) to the density functional theory.
A nuclear energy density functional based on the Skyrme force Skm* is used.
The duration of the scission process $\Delta t$ as well as the neck
radius ($r_{min}$) of the 'just-before scission' configuration and the
minimum separation ($d_{min}$) of the inner surfaces of the fragments in the
'immediately-after scission' configuration were extracted in order to
calculate the multiplicity of the scission neutrons ($\nu_{sc}$) using a
phenomenological dynamical scission model (DSM).
We find that $\nu_{sc}$=1.347, i.e. half of the prompt fission neutrons
measured in the reaction $^{239}Pu(n_{th},f)$ are released at scission.
After scission, the fragments are left excited and with some extra
deformation energy (mainly the heavy one). In this way we can account for
the evaporation of the other half and for the emission of $\gamma$-rays.

Attendance Type In-person

Primary author

Prof. Nicolae Carjan ( ``Horia Hulubei'' National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering)

Presentation Materials

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