29 November 2023 to 3 December 2023
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
The Welcome Function for ANPC 2023 will be on Tuesday 28 November 2023 at 18h30

NICA facility for applied research: New gates for cooperation in life sciences, material sciences and novel nuclear technologies

29 Nov 2023, 16:30
Oral Applied Nuclear Physics Session 4


Oleg Belov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


The talk will cover recent initiatives and options be provided by NICA facility for applied research be performed with ion beams. NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAсility) is a new accelerator complex designed at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research to study properties of dense baryonic matter. Besides the fundamental physics issues, the NICA team is also working under construction of special beamlines for applied research, including biomedical applications, space research, radiation materials science, radiation testing of microelectronics and novel developments for ADS. The Applied Research Infrastructure for Advanced Developments at NICA fAcility, recently named ARIADNA, will include: (1) beamlines with magnetic optics, power supplies, beam diagnostics systems, cooling systems, etc., (2) several experimental zones equipped with target stations for users (detectors, sample holders, irradiation control and monitoring system, etc.) and (3) supporting user infrastructure (areas for deployment of user equipment, for sample preparation and post-irradiation express analyses).

Overall scope of applied research be performed using ARIADNA beamlines includes but limited to radiation protection in space, radiation testing of microelectronics, materials research with ion beams and novel technology for radiation waste processing.

Zone 1 and its experimental station is designed for studying radiation damage to decapsulated microcircuits with low-energy ion beams extracted from the HILAC at the energy of 3.2 MeV/nucleon. The spectra of available particles will include protons and ions with Z = 2 to 92, which enables simulating certain aspects of exposure of non-biological samples to low-energy component of space radiation. Zone 2 will provide an opportunity for irradiation of different samples with intermediate-energy ion beams of 150–1000 MeV/nucleon. Zone 2 includes two target stations designed for space radiobiology studies, radiation materials science and investigating the radiation damage to capsulated microelectronics. At both target stations the following ions are expected to be available: 12C6+, 40Ar18+, 56Fe26+, 84Kr36+, 131Xe54+, 197Au79. Considering the recent trends and multiple requests raised by potential users, there is an intent to extend acceleration techniques towards realistic simulation of galactic cosmic rays with NICA beams, including implementation of the specific acceleration regime with rapid switching of ions and energies. Zone 3 is designed for development of novel nuclear power technologies, including development of ADS. The beams of 1H1+, 2D1+, 12C6+, 40Ar18+ and 7Li3 with energies of 0.3-4 GeV/nucleon are planned to be available at the target station of this zone. Zone 4 is intended for long-term exposure of materials science and biological samples to heavy ions with energies of 1-4 GeV/nucleon. The recent test experiments in this zone were performed with 3.8 GeV/nucleon 124Xe54+ ions.

The talk will particularly demonstrate the sample activities recently performed at NICA and plans on forthcoming applied research programmes, including those being implemented within the ARIADNA collaborations. The ways of getting involved in ARIADNA collaborations will also be shared.

Attendance Type In-person

Primary author

Oleg Belov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

Presentation Materials

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