Elena Bratkovskaya
(ITP, FIAS, Uni. Frankfurt)
The dynamics of partons and hadrons in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions is analyzed within the novel Parton-Hadron-String Dynamics (PHSD) transport approach, which is based on a dynamical quasiparticle model for partonic phase (DQPM) including a dynamical hadronization scheme. The PHSD model reproduces a large variety of observables from SPS to LHC energies, e.g. as quark-number scaling of elliptic flow, transverse mass and rapidity spectra of charged hadrons, dilepton spectra, open and hidden charm production, collective flow coefficients etc., which are associated with the observation of a sQGP. The 'highlights' of the latest results will be presented and open questions/perspectives will be discussed.
Presentation Type | talk |
Primary author
Elena Bratkovskaya
(ITP, FIAS, Uni. Frankfurt)