1-5 December 2014
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Registration will close on 21 November

The physics of heavy-ion collisions - recent insights and open questions

3 Dec 2014, 17:00


Prof. Ulrich Heinz (The Ohio State University)


This talk will give an update of our understanding of the physics of the "Little Bang" -- the explosive evolution of the hot and dense QCD matter created in heavy-ion collisions. Its collective flow, color opacity and brilliance in the electromagnetic spectrum will be discussed. Special emphasis will be given to new insights arising from the recent proton-lead run at the LHC and the Beam Energy Scan and U+U runs at RHIC. A list of important questions to be addressed by theory and additional heavy-ion measurements at RHIC and LHC will be formulated and explicated.

Primary author

Prof. Ulrich Heinz (The Ohio State University)

Presentation Materials