1-5 December 2014
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Registration will close on 21 November

Search for Dark Matter at CMS

1 Dec 2014, 15:00


Dr Nadir Daci (IIHE - VUB)


This talk reviews the latest Dark Matter (DM) results from the CMS experiment, consisting in searches for DM particles under the form of Weakly Interactive Massive Particles. The search for directly produced DM particles exploits final states containing a high momentum object and missing transverse energy, such as monojet, monophoton, monolepton and monotop. The production of DM particles in association with top quark pairs, as well as the decay of a Higgs boson to DM particles, are is also considered. The talk will also briefly mention prospects for LHC Run 2.

Primary author

Dr Nadir Daci (IIHE - VUB)

Presentation Materials

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