Motivated by the multi-lepton anomalies, a search for narrow resonances with $S\rightarrow\gamma\gamma, Z\gamma$ in association with light jets, $b$-jets or missing transverse energy was reported in the paper arXiv:2109.02650. The maximum local (global) significance is achieved for $m_S=151.5$\,GeV with 5.1$\sigma$ (4.8$\sigma$). In this paper we compute the production cross-section of this scalar candidate in $e^+e^-$ collision by assuming that the couplings to Electro-Weak bosons are loop induced. We find that the cross-section could be large enough for $S$ to be detected at future $e^+e^-$ colliders. The leading production mechanism is $e^+e^-\rightarrow Z^{\star}\rightarrow S\gamma$, which offers the opportunity of isolating $S$ through the missing mass method.