Meriem Djouala
(Laboratoire de physique Mathématiques et Subatomique, Frères Mentouri university Constantine 1-Algeria)
We present a new chiral gauge anomaly flipped 341 model where lepton families are arranged in different SU(4) gauge group representations leading to a nonuniversal coupling with heavy neutral gauge bosons $Z^{\prime}$ and $Z^{\prime\prime}$ of the model. The resulted flavor-changing neutral current in the leptonic sector is discussed and bounds on some of the flavor changing parameters are derived using the recent experimental data on the muon rare decays.
Primary author
Meriem Djouala
(Laboratoire de physique Mathématiques et Subatomique, Frères Mentouri university Constantine 1-Algeria)
Noureddine Mebarki
(Laboratoire de Physique Mathmatique et Subatomique, Frères Mentouri University, Constantine 1, Algeria)