4-9 December 2022
Kruger Gate Hotel , At The Paul Kruger Gate, R536, Skukuza +27137355671
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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An alternative explanation of the multi-lepton anomalies at the LHC

Not scheduled
Kruger Gate Hotel , At The Paul Kruger Gate, R536, Skukuza +27137355671

Kruger Gate Hotel , At The Paul Kruger Gate, R536, Skukuza +27137355671

Kruger National Park, On The Sabi River At The Paul Kruger Gate R536, Skukuza, 1350


Bruce Mellado (University of the Witwatersrand and iThemba LABS)


In recent years, hints for multi-lepton anomalies have been accumulated by the analysis of Large Hadron Collider (LHC) data, pointing towards the existence of beyond the Standard Model (SM) Higgs bosons. In this study, we further investigate these multi-lepton anomalies by considering the Higgs Triplet Model with a hyper-charge of zero (HTM0). It consists of a neutral scalar $H^{0}$ that stems from the CP-even component of the Higgs triplet and also the two charged scalars $h^{\pm}$ which stem from the charged component of the Higgs triplet. These components come from the mixing between the nonphysical fields of the Higgs doublet and the Higgs triplet.

Primary author


Bruce Mellado (University of the Witwatersrand and iThemba LABS) Andreas Crivellin (UZH & PSI) Mr Guglielmo Coloretti (Paul Scherrer Institute)

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