29 November 2023 to 3 December 2023
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
The Welcome Function for ANPC 2023 will be on Tuesday 28 November 2023 at 18h30

Mass measurement of the low-lying isomeric states in 100Y and 102Y

2 Dec 2023, 12:35
Oral Nuclear Structure, Reactions and Dynamics Session 10


Alison Bruce (University of Brighton)


Beta-decaying, high-spin, spin-trap isomers have been observed in 96Y, 98Y and 100Y with half-lives ranging from 9 to 0.9 seconds [Ab08,Ch20,Si21]. However, in 102Y there are two beta-decaying states which have similar half lives (t 1/2 = 360(40) ms [Sh83] and 300(10) ms [Hi91]) and a small energy difference, making it difficult to measure their relative energy and to ascertain if the high-spin state is the ground state or the isomeric state. This presentation will report on the use of the Phase Imaging – Ion cyclotron Resonance (PI-ICR) method [El13] at the JYFLTRAP double Penning trap at the IGISOL facility at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland to measure the relative energies of the beta-decaying states in 102Y and re-measure 100Y.

The nuclei of interest were produced via nuclear fission of 238U using a 30 MeV proton beam. In 100Y a value of 147.8(42) keV has been measured for the excitation energy of the isomeric state, which overlaps with the previously measured value of 145(15) keV [Ha07] and reduces the experimental error by a factor of 4. In 102Y the closeness in energy of the 2 states makes the analysis quite complicated and although the two states were not fully separated, the observed mass distribution can be fitted with a bi-modal distribution which indicates an excitation energy of 12.3 (16) keV for the isomeric state. Details of the experiment and of the analysis procedures will be discussed.


[Ab08] D.Abriola and A.A.Sonzogni, Nuclear Data Sheets 109 (2008) 2501.
[Ch20] J.Chen and B.Singh, Nuclear Data Sheets 164 (2020) 1.
[El13] S.Eliseev et al., Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 114 (2013) 396.
[Ha07] U.Hager et al., Nuclear Physics A793 (2007) 20.
[Hi91] John C. Hill et al., Physical Review C43 (1991) 2591.
[Sh83] K.Shizuma et al., Physical Review C27 (1983) 2869.
[Si21] B.Singh and J.Chen, Nuclear Data Sheets 172 (2021) 1.

Attendance Type In-person

Primary author

Alison Bruce (University of Brighton)

Presentation Materials