Course Outline:
Six lecture sessions on specialized accelerator physics topics, 3-hours per lecture session
- Session 1: Ion Sources [SS]: 22 July 09h00 – 12h00
Definition of an of an ion source; Different particles types that can be produced with an ion source; Fundamental concepts such as beam intensity; Classification of ion sources; Ion Source used for Radionuclide Production and Radiobiology; Thermionic emission; Electron impact ionization; Collisions; Gyromotion in an ion source; Ion Sources used for Subatomic Physics research
- Session 2 Accelerators [MS]: 22 July 13h30 – 16h30
Types of linear accelerators; Van der Graaff; The Tandetron; Types of circular accelerators; The resonance principle in a cyclotron; Magnetic focusing; Electric focusing; The phase relations during acceleration; Deflector
- Session 3: RF systems [HB]: 23 July 09h00 – 12h00
The RF resonators at iThemba LABS; Analogue components; Circuits; Transients; AC theory – Phasors, Impedance; Parallel resonant circuits; Series resonant circuits; Power; Q-factor; Capacitance and inductance of co-axial cables; Telegraph equations; Sine waves along a transmission line; Reflection at the load; Impedance of a load and a section of transmission line; Transmission lines as part of the RF oscillator
- Session 4: Beam Optics [JM]: 23 July 13h30 – 16h30
Introduction to beam emittance and Liouville’s theorem; Weak Focusing; Solenoid lens principle and derivation of equation of the focal point; Einzel lens principle and derivation of equation of focal point; Strong Focusing; Focusing principles of Electrostatic and Magnetic quadrupole lenses; Derivation of the magnetic field line equations; Derivation of the matrix equations for a first approximation to the focusing of quads; Derivation of the first order approximation for a drift space; Dipole Magnets; Principles of the dipole magnet; Derivation of the magnetic rigidity equation using energy relations equations
- Session 5: Magnets [HB]: 24 July 09h00 – 12h00
Introduction: History, Definition of terms, Units; Maxwell’s equations; Field lines; DC electromagnets – layout, yoke shapes; Dipole magnets, Quadrupole magnets; Materials, BH curves; Fringe fields and shims; Force on coils and yoke; Force on particles; Rigidity; Bending radius; Strength of B in magnet; Effective length; Beam uniformity; Measuring devices: rotating coil, hall probe, NMR; Designing a magnet analytically; FEA design
- Session 6: Beam Diagnostics [JM]: 24 July 13h30 – 16h30
Introduction – what are diagnostics; Types; Overview of the implementation at iThemba LABS; Time structure of a bunched beam; Diagnostics for Intensity; Diagnostics for Transverse properties; Diagnostics for Emittance; Diagnostics for Longitudinal parameters; Diagnostics for Beam energy