Hard and Thermal Electroweak Probes
- Enrico Scomparin (INFN Torino (Italy))
Hard and Thermal Electroweak Probes
- Itzhak Tserruya (Weizmann Institute)
Hard and Thermal Electroweak Probes
Benjamin Bannier
(Stony Brook University)
05/11/2013, 13:30
Hard and Thermal Electroweak Probes
The PHENIX experiment has published direct photon yields and elliptic flow coefficients (v2) from Au+Au collisions at RHIC energies. These results have sparked much theoretical discussion. The measured yields and flow parameters are difficult to reconcile in current model calculations of thermal radiation based on hydrodynamic time evolution of the collision volume. New sources of photons,...
Antonio Uras
(Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I)
05/11/2013, 13:50
Hard and Thermal Electroweak Probes
Low mass dilepton production, including light vector mesons ρ, ω, φ, provides key information on the hot and dense state of strongly inter- acting matter produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Among them, strangeness production can be studied through the measure- ment of φ meson production, while the detailed description of the full dilepton mass spectra down to the kinematic threshold...
Sascha Vogel
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
05/11/2013, 14:10
Hard and Thermal Electroweak Probes
This contribution will present a novel way to experimentally investigate quarkyonic matter. In order to do so we calculate the Bremsstrahlung photon spectrum emitted from dynamically evolving quarkyonic matter, and compare this spectrum with that of a high chemical potential quark-gluon plasma as well as to a hadron gas.
We find that the transverse momentum distribution and the harmonic...
Gojko Vujanovic
(McGill University)
05/11/2013, 14:30
Hard and Thermal Electroweak Probes
The penetrating nature of electromagnetic signals makes them suitable probes to explore the properties of the strongly-interacting medium created in relativistic nuclear collisions. This study investigates thermal electromagnetic radiation production using a 3+1D viscous hydrodynamic simulation (MUSIC). We study the thermal dilepton/photon emission of the medium by using both pQCD and hadronic...
Deepali Sharma
(Stony Brook University)
05/11/2013, 14:50
Hard and Thermal Electroweak Probes
The dielectron mass spectrum is a unique probe to directly access the different stages of a heavy-ion collision. The low mass region (m_ee < 1 GeV/c^2) reflects the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) temperature and thermalization phase, while the low vector meson resonances probe chiral symmetry restoration. The intermediate (1< m_ee<3 GeV/c^2) and high (4
Mikko Laine
(University of Bern)
05/11/2013, 15:10
Hard and Thermal Electroweak Probes
A novel next-to-leading order analysis of the dilepton production rate
from a hot QCD plasma is reported. The photon invariant mass is taken to
be in the range K^2 ~ (pi T)^2; subsequently the results are compared
with an OPE computation in a hard regime K^2 >> (pi T)^2, with an LPM
resummed computation in a soft regime K^2 << (pi T)^2, as well as with
recent lattice simulations in the...
Richard Barbieri
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
07/11/2013, 15:40
Hard and Thermal Electroweak Probes
We report new measurements using isolated photons based on the high statistics 2.76 TeV pp reference data collected in 2013. The nuclear modification factors of reconstructed isolated photons, obtained by the comparison of heavy ion collisions and pp data, are presented and provide useful constraints to the nuclear parton distribution functions. For events containing an high pT isolated photon...
Yan Zhu
(University of Santiago de Compostela)
07/11/2013, 16:00
Hard and Thermal Electroweak Probes
Jet propagation within a strongly coupled medium is described with a Linearized Boltzmann Transport model. In this talk, I will explain two puzzling features in the experimental study of jet quenching in central Pb+Pb collisions at LHC with the LBT model. A γ-tagged jet is found to lose about 15% of its initial energy while its azimuthal angle remains almost unchanged due to rapid cooling of...
Thomas Balestri
(Stony Brook University - ATLAS)
07/11/2013, 16:20
Hard and Thermal Electroweak Probes
Lead-lead collisions at the LHC have are capable of producing a system of deconfined quarks and gluons at unprecedented energy density and temperature. Partonic-level interactions and energy-loss mechanisms in the medium can be studied with the aid electroweak bosons which carry an important information about the properties of the medium. Electroweak bosons form a class of unique high-pT...
07/11/2013, 16:40
Hard and Thermal Electroweak Probes
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is fully equipped to measure leptonic decays of electroweak probes in the high multiplicity environment of nucleus-nucleus collisions. Electroweak boson production is an important benchmark process at hadron colliders. Precise measurements of W and Z production in heavy-ion collisions can help to constrain nuclear PDFs as well as serve as a standard candle of...