4-9 December 2016
Protea Hotel KrugerGate
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Applications for student support closes on 7 September. From 1 September to 15 November registration will be at the regular fee.

IR divergences in massless QED

Not scheduled
Protea Hotel KrugerGate

Protea Hotel KrugerGate


Mr Abdullah Ibrahim (University of Cape Town)


We study the cancellation of both collinear and infrared divergences in a process where a massless electron scattered off of a static point charge. We found that the collinear divergences have been eliminated by the application of the well known KLN theorem. The application of the KLN theorem requires adding the absorption of a photon which spoils the cancellation of the IR divergences. We check the validity of adding the disconnected diagrams and the possibility of IR cancellation by adding the contribution from these diagrams.
I intend to submit my contribution for the proceedings Yes

Primary author

Mr Abdullah Ibrahim (University of Cape Town)


Dr William Horowitz (University of Cape Town)

Presentation Materials

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