Inelastic scattering of exotic nuclei on an internal gas-jet target of a storage ring allows for a new access to study giant resonances, applicable also for radioactive nuclei. The differential excitation cross section can be measured down to very small scattering angles in the CM system with high angular resolution, making this approach particularly suited e.g. for the study of giant monopole resonances.
As proof of principle, the ISGMR in the stable nucleus 58Ni [1] has been studied at the ESR of GSI (Darmstadt, Germany) using an early version of the EXL set-up [2].
The status of the EXL project and future plans at GSI/FAIR, e.g. the study of the ISGMR in 56Ni, will be presented on behalf of the EXL collaboration.
This work was supported by German BMBF (06DA9040I, 05P12RDFN8, and 05P15RDFN1), the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Program through IA-ENSAR (Contract No. RII3-CT-2010-262010), the Hungarian OTKA Foundation No. K106035, the Sumitomo Foundation, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Contract No. 11575269),the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centre through the Helmholtz-CAS Joint Research Group HCJRG-108, HIC for FAIR, GSI-RUG/KVI collaboration agreement,TU Darmstadt-GSI cooperation contract, and the STIBET Doctoral program of the German Academic Exchange Service.
[1] J. C. Zamora et al., Phys. Lett. B 763, 16 (2016)
[2] M. Mutterer et al., Phys. Scr. T 166, 014053 (2015)