3-7 December 2018
Casa do Sol
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Abstract submission has been extended until 24 September

Participant List

85 participants

Last Name First Name Affiliation
Ahmed Samah UCT
Atkin Ryan University of Cape Town (ZA)
Azaiez Faiҫal iThemba LABS
Badala Angela INFN Sezione di Catania
Barends Kevin Nicholas University of Cape Town
Barnard Nadia University of Cape Town
Belyaev Alexander University of Southampton & Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Bernius Catrin SLAC
BOYE Diallo University of Johannesburg
Buthelezi Zinhle iThemba LABS, National Research Foundation (ZA)
Butterworth Jon UCL
Cacciapaglia Giacomo IPN Lyon/CNRS
Cleymans Jean University of Cape Town
Connell Simon University of Johannesburg
Cornell Alan National Institute for Theoretical Physics
Davydov Yuri JINR
De Curtis Stefania INFN Firenze
de Lange Ann-Marie
Deandrea Aldo University Lyon 1
Deandrea Emma
Delsanto Silvia University of Witswatersrand
Delsart Pierre-Antoine LPSC/CNRS (Grenoble, FR)
Dietel Thomas University of Cape Town
Doenigus Benjamin Institute for Nuclear Physics, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
Doenigus Caroline
Flores Marvin University of the Witwatersrand
Foertsch Siegfried iThemba LABS, National Research Foundation (ZA)
Franco Celso LIP
Freund Benjamin Université de Montréal
Fuks Benjamin LPTHE - CNRS - Sorbonne Université
FUKS Emmanuelle
Gajdosova Katarina FNSPE CTU
Graziani Giacomo INFN, Sezione di Firenze
Hassbroek Naomi iThemba LABS
Heinz Christiane
Heinz Ulrich The Ohio State University
Hill Donal University of Oxford
Horowitz William University of Cape Town
Kar Deepak University of Witwatersrand
Keaveney James DESY
Kibirige Betty University of Zululand
Kolbe Isobel University of Cape Town
Krofcheck David The University of Auckland
Lardeux Antoine University of Oslo
Leigh Matthew University of Cape Town
Liao Shell-may University of the Witwatersrand (ZA)
Linacre Jacob STFC RAL
Lippi Laura Milan
Luparello Grazia INFN Trieste
Mahmoudi Nazila Lyon University
Mapekula Xola CERN
Marshall Zach LBNL
Mdluli Karabo
Mes Alexes University of Cape Town
Mhlanga Sibaliso Student
Mogliacci Sylvain University of Cape Town
Mohammed Shrif Esra The university of the Witwatersrand
Monteverdi Christine iThemba LABS & Stellenbosch University
Mueller Katharina University of Zurich
Müller Lennart
Naimuddin Md University of Delhi
Neri Nicola Universita' & INFN Milano
Neubert Matthias Johannes Gutenberg University
Ntsoele Phineas University of Johannesburg
Oh Youndgo Kyungpook National University
Pandolfi Francesco
Pelliccioni Mario Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Quevillon Jérémie LPSC (CNRS)
Raimondi Francesco
Robertson Steven McGill University
Ronchetti Federico INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Roy Debarati
Salvatico Riccardo Università and INFN Torino
Schmieden Kristof CERN
Steinkamp Olaf Physik-Institut Universität Zürich
Stoecker Horst FIAS Goethe Universitaet Frankfurt GSI
Stoehlker Thomas GSI/HI Jena
Taylor Alan The University of Edinburgh
Tolk Siim CERN, LHCb
Truong Thi Ngoc Loan University of Johannesburg
Vatani Shahram Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon
Vittori Camilla University of Bologna and INFN
Whalen Kate University of Oregon
Yacoob Sahal University of Cape Town