1-5 July 2019
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Thank you for participating in a successful ANPC2019!

ENSAR2 research infrastructures & international sister facilities

Not scheduled


Muhsin Harakeh (KVI)


The ENSAR2 (European Nuclear Science and Application Research 2) research infrastructures pursue fundamental and applied research in nuclear physics and related areas. These research infrastructures offer transnational access to users from across Europe and, for the first time since 1 March 2016, to international users as well. A few of these infrastructures will be presented in detail at this conference. In this talk, a short presentation of each of the remaining ENSAR2 facilities will be given. Furthermore, ENSAR2 signed MoUs with several international nuclear physics facilities. In this talk, I will briefly present two of these facilities: iThemba, Faure, South Africa and RCNP, Osaka, Japan.

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