18-20 March 2019
J Block
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Overview on the African LaBr Array at iThemba LABS

20 Mar 2019, 09:30
Auditorium (J Block)


J Block

Old Faure Road, Faure
Oral Nuclear Structure Studies Nuclear Structure Studies


Luna Pellegri (University of the Witwatersrand and iThemba LABS)


The African LaBr Array (ALBA) consists of 23 large volume LaBr3:Ce. The characteristics of these crystals, such as the good energy resolution and the high efficiency, make this array very useful for the detection of high-energy gamma rays. The ALBA project foresees the use of the gamma spectrometer in stand-alone mode and coupled to the K600 spectrometer or to silicon-detector arrays for the particle identification. A Digital acquisition system based on XIA PIXIE 16 cards (12 bit 500Mz digitization) is currently under test.

The first six detectors of ALBA arrived in 2018 and they were successfully used in an experiment to investigate the pygmy dipole resonance in deformed nuclei. An overview of the project will be given underling the physics program that is envisaged for the upcoming future.

Primary authors

Luna Pellegri (University of the Witwatersrand and iThemba LABS) mathis wiedeking (itl) Paul Papka (Stellenbosch University) Pete Jones (iThemba LABS) Retief Neveling (iThemba LABS) Ricky Smit (iThemba LABS) ELIAS SIDERAS-HADDAD (WITS UNIVERSITY) Harshna Jivan (University of the Witwatersrand)

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