21 March 2022 to 30 September 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Extraction and analysis of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Low Voltage Power Supplies Temperature Data

23 Mar 2022, 16:30


Lungisani Phakathi (UNIZULU & iThemba Lab)


Plugin based system for assessing the quality of data and conditions for ATLAS Tile Calorimeters is known as the Tile-in-One (TiO). The TiO is a collection of small sized independent web tools called plugins, designed to make it easier for a user to evaluate Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) data. TiO platform aims to integrate individual TileCal web tools into a single common platform, which will share the same computing infrastructure and access to common services and data, as old interfaces are slowly falling behind and are harder and harder to maintain. The TiO web platform should allow large flexibility and ease of maintenance so that it would be friendly to the plugin developers as well. The Data Control System (DCS) provides temperature data through a dedicated interface called DDV. Based on the possibility to query those data, new TiO plugin is being developed under the following strategy: CentOs 8 was installed inside the virtual box to easily access CERN internal network. The DDV tool is used to query the TileDCS temperature data which are subsequently transformed to a form suitable for the visualizing library. The visualization tool allows user to interact with the plots. Currently the biggest focus is concentrated on finding an intuitive way to display not only the status of one particular module, but the whole detector as well.

Primary authors

Dr Betty Kibirige (UNIZULU and iThemba Labs) Mr Filipe Martins (Laboratorio de instrumentacao e Fisica Experemental de Particulas) Lungisani Phakathi (UNIZULU & iThemba Lab) Mr Juraj Smiesko

Presentation Materials