21 March 2022 to 30 September 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

On 't Hooft lines and Lax operators of $SO_{2N}$ type

22 Mar 2022, 15:15


Ms Youssra Boujakhrout (LPHE-MS, Science Faculty, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco)


The four dimensional Chern Simons topological gauge theory represents a rich framework allowing to study two-dimensional integrable systems using line and surface defects and Feynman diagrams computations. Relying on this "Gauge/Bethe ansatz" correspondence, one can recover interesting results of the integrable models and generate new ones without reference to the traditional algebraic techniques. For example, the study of the intrinsic properties of interacting Wilson and 't Hooft line defects in the 4DCS theory yields the oscillator realisation of the Lax operator verifying the RLL equation of integrability. This study focuses on the 4DCS theory with invariance given by the $SO_{2N}$ gauge group, which allows to construct the Lax operator associated to the QQ representation of an XXX spin chain with $so_{2N}$ symmetry. This also allows to interprete the oscillator degrees of freedom in terms of algebras decomposition and field bundles charges.

Primary authors

Ms Youssra Boujakhrout (LPHE-MS, Science Faculty, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco) Prof. El Hassan Saidi (LPHE-MS, Science Faculty, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco) Prof. Rachid Ahl Laamara (LPHE-MS, Science Faculty, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco) Prof. Lalla Btissam Drissi (LPHE-MS, Science Faculty, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco)

Presentation Materials