4-8 September 2023
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Cosmic Ray Muography: Selected Case Studies

Not scheduled
Invited Talk


Brian Li (Neuqua Valley High School) Mr Jerry Zhou (Neuqua Valley High School) Mr Jack Zhou (Neuqua Valley High School)


This review systematically explores the rapidly advancing field of cosmic ray muography, a non- invasive imaging technique that utilizes high-energy cosmic ray muons from the atmosphere. These elusive particles can penetrate diverse materials, offering insights into the interiors of geological formations, archaeological sites, nuclear waste storage, and more. This paper examines various studies that employed muography in various imaging applications and scenarios, revealing its challenges, current stage of development, and room for future improvement for each respective paper.

Primary authors

Brian Li (Neuqua Valley High School) Mr Jerry Zhou (Neuqua Valley High School) Mr Jack Zhou (Neuqua Valley High School)

Presentation Materials

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