Antonio Ortiz Velasquez
(Div. of Particle Physics, Lund University, Sweden)
ALICE has unique capabilities among the LHC experiments for particle identification (PID) at mid-rapidity over a wide range of transverse momentum ($p_{\rm T}$). For $p_{\rm T}$ between $\sim 100$ MeV/$c$ up to 3-4 GeV/$c$ (anti)protons, charged pions and kaons can be separated through the measurement of the specific energy loss (${\rm d}E/{\rm d}x$) in gas (silicon) with TPC (ITS) and time of flight (TOF). The identification can be extended to higher $p_{\rm T}$ by
using a Cherenkov detector (HMPID). For $3 < p_{\rm T} < 20$ GeV/$c$, statistical PID is possible thanks to the relativistic rise of the ${\rm d}E/{\rm d}x$ in the TPC.
In this talk results on the transverse momentum distributions ($\sim0.3
Primary author
Antonio Ortiz Velasquez
(Div. of Particle Physics, Lund University, Sweden)