Antonio Uras
(Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I)
Low mass dilepton production, including light vector mesons ρ, ω, φ, provides key information on the hot and dense state of strongly inter- acting matter produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Among them, strangeness production can be studied through the measure- ment of φ meson production, while the detailed description of the full dilepton mass spectra down to the kinematic threshold can be used to reveal in-medium modifications of hadron properties and the ther- mal emission arising from the medium. Measurements in pp and p-A systems, in absence of hot nuclear matter effects, can be used as a ref- erence to test our knowledge of the processes expected to contribute to dilepton production.
Dilepton production is studied with the ALICE apparatus at the LHC both at central (|y| < 0.9) and forward (2.5 < y < 4) rapidities, respectively in the dielectron and dimuon channel. Results on low mass dilepton production are shown, for various c.m. energies, in pp, p-Pb, Pb-p and Pb-Pb collisions.
Primary author
Antonio Uras
(Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I)