4-9 December 2016
Protea Hotel KrugerGate
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Applications for student support closes on 7 September. From 1 September to 15 November registration will be at the regular fee.

Recent status of NA61/SHINE activities

Not scheduled
Protea Hotel KrugerGate

Protea Hotel KrugerGate


Ludwik Turko (University Wroclaw)


The fixed target NA61/SHINE experiment (SPS CERN) looks for the critical point of strongly interacting matter and the properties of the onset of deconfinement. It is a two dimensional scan of measurements of particle spectra and fluctuations in proton-proton, proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions as a function of collision energy and system size, corresponding to a two dimensional phase diagram $(T − \mu_B)$. New NA61/SHINE results would be presented, such as transverse momentum and multiplicity fluctuations in Ar+Sc collisions compared to NA61 p+p and Be+Be data, as well as to NA49 A + A results.
I intend to submit my contribution for the proceedings Yes

Primary author

Ludwik Turko (University Wroclaw)

Presentation Materials

There are no materials yet.