13-18 November 2016
Protea Hotel Stellenbosch
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
The deadline for abstract submission is 31 July 2016

Production of ​9​Be targets for nuclear physics experiments

15 Nov 2016, 12:30
Protea Hotel Stellenbosch

Protea Hotel Stellenbosch

Techno Avenue, Techno Park, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, 7130 Cape Town South Africa. (http://www.proteahotels.com/hotels/Pages/Protea-HotelStellenbosch.aspx)
Oral Plenary Session 4


Dr Daniel José Marín-Lámbarri (iThemba LABS/ University of the Western Cape) Mrs ntombizonke kheswa (iThemba LABS)


Self-supporting beryllium (​9​Be) targets were produced by mechanical rolling method in which a double pack technique was implemented. Targets were used for the investigation of the low-lying excitation energy region in ​9​Be through the ​9​Be(​3​He,t)​9​B reaction at the K600 spectrometer, at iThemba LABS facility. Beryllium is a semimetal in nature and this makes it hard to deform by rolling or vacuum evaporate as a self-supporting target. Therefore heat treatment was needed to avoid brittleness and breakage of the material during rolling process. A description is given on how beryllium targets were manufactured. Keywords: Rolling method, annealing, vacuum atmosphere, thickness, target

Primary author

Dr Daniel José Marín-Lámbarri (iThemba LABS/ University of the Western Cape)


Mrs ntombizonke kheswa (iThemba LABS)

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