13-18 November 2016
Protea Hotel Stellenbosch
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
The deadline for abstract submission is 31 July 2016

New Evaporator Station for the Center for Accelerator Target Science

15 Nov 2016, 10:00
Protea Hotel Stellenbosch

Protea Hotel Stellenbosch

Techno Avenue, Techno Park, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, 7130 Cape Town South Africa. (http://www.proteahotels.com/hotels/Pages/Protea-HotelStellenbosch.aspx)
Oral Plenary Session 3


Mr John Greene (Argonne National Laboratory)


As part of an equipment grant provided by DOE NP for the Center for Accelerator Target Science (CATS) initiative, the procurement of a new, electron beam, high-vacuum deposition system from Angstrom Engineering was identified as a priority to insure reliable and continued availability of high-purity targets. The apparatus was designed to contain TWO electron beam guns; a standard 4-pocket 270° geometry source as well as an electron bombardment source. The acquisition of this new system will allow for the replacement of TWO outdated and aging vacuum evaporators. Also included is an additional thermal boat source, enhancing our capability within this deposition unit. Recommended specifications for this system included an automated, high-vacuum pumping station, a deposition chamber including a rotating and heated substrate holder for uniform coating capabilities and incorporating computer-controlled, state-of-the-art thin film technologies. Design specifications, enhanced capabilities and the necessary mechanical modifications for our target work will be discussed.

Primary author

Mr John Greene (Argonne National Laboratory)


Mr Labib Mina (2Angstrom Engineering, Inc., 91 Trillium Drive, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2E 1W8)

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