13-18 November 2016
Protea Hotel Stellenbosch
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
The deadline for abstract submission is 31 July 2016

Investigation of natTi(p,x) Reaction and Measurement of Excitation Functions up to 45 MeV

17 Nov 2016, 09:30
Protea Hotel Stellenbosch

Protea Hotel Stellenbosch

Techno Avenue, Techno Park, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, 7130 Cape Town South Africa. (http://www.proteahotels.com/hotels/Pages/Protea-HotelStellenbosch.aspx)
Oral Plenary Session 8


Dr Muhammad Shahid (National Institute of Safety And Security, Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Islamabad)


Natural titanium activated with high energy proton beam results production of some valuable radionuclides applicable in medicine and industry. In this study we measured the production cross-sections of 43,44m,44g,46,47,48Sc, 48V radionuclides from their respective threshold to 45 MeV in natTi(p,x) reaction. Well-known stacked-foil activation technique and off-line gamma-ray spectrometry system was applied in the study. The sample was activated using the external beam line of MC-50 cyclotron at Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (KIRAMS), Korea. The measured results were compared with the literature data as well as with the model calculations using TENDL-2015 library based on the TALYS 1.8 code. The integral yields for thick target of the investigated radio-nuclides was also deduced from the measured excitation functions. The study is beneficial for those involved in radioisotope production and is helpful to modify the nuclear model calculations.

Primary author

Dr Muhammad Shahid (National Institute of Safety And Security, Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Islamabad)

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