Pinky Rani
(Research Scholar)
The interacting boson model-1 has been used to calculate the reduced electric transition probability B(E2) ↓ of even-even 122-130Te (Tellurium) isotopes with even neutrons from N = 70 to 78. The three-three boson interactions are also formed in the Hamiltonian from Casimir invariant operators. The parameters of best fit to measure the data is used from the experimental value of B (E2; 21+ → 01+) for even-even 122-130Te isotopes. The theoretical values are good in agreement especially with the experimental ones. The branching ratios B (E2; 41+ → 21+) / B (E2; 21+ → 01+) is less than 2 represents U (5) symmetry in 122-130Te isotopes.
Primary authors
Pinky Rani
(Research Scholar)
Ramesh Ramesh Kumar