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20-24 September 2021
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Thank you to everyone who contributed towards a very successful ANPC 2021! Should you require a Certificate of Attendance, please contact us via email.

Shapes, Softness and Non-Yrast Collectivity in 186W

23 Sep 2021, 15:30


Poster Nuclear Structure, Reactions and Dynamics Poster Session 2


AJ Mitchell (Australian National University)


The tungsten isotopes exist in a region of deformed nuclei with soft, triaxial shapes that evolve into oblate deformation as the proton, Z, and (or) neutron, N, numbers increase, before reaching sphericity at $Z = 82$ [1]. The heaviest stable W ($Z = 74$) isotope is at $A=186$. Its low-lying structure has been investigated in the past using Coulomb excitation [2] and $\beta$ decay [3]; however, experimental data on the non-yrast, higher-spin states are sparse due to their inaccessibility through any suitable heavy-ion fusion-evaporation reactions. In this work, non-yrast, excited states in neutron-rich $^{186}$W were populated via inelastic-scattering reactions using stable beams of $^{136}$Xe nuclei accelerated to 725 and 800 MeV (10 and 20% above the Coulomb barrier) [4]. Scattered ions were detected in CHICO2, and de-exciting γ rays in Gammasphere. Considerable progress was made in extending the $K^π = 2^+$ (γ), $K^π = 0^+$ and $K^π = 2^-$ (octupole) bands. A staggering pattern observed in the energies of levels in the $K^π = 2^+$ band was found to be consistent with a potential that gets softer to vibration in the γ degree of freedom with increasing spin. The odd-even staggering of states in the $K^π = 2^-$ band was found to exhibit a phase opposite to that seen in the γ band. This effect is most probably associated with Coriolis coupling to other, unobserved octupole vibrational bands in $^{186}$W.

This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics under Grants No.~DE-FG02-94ER40848 (UML), No.~DE-FG02-97ER41041 (UNC), No. DE-FG02-97ER41033 (TUNL) and DE-FG02-94-ER40834 (UMCP), and Contracts No.~DE-AC02-06CH11357 (ANL) and No.~DE-AC52-07NA27344 (LLNL), the International Technology Center Pacific (ITC-PAC) under Contract No.~FA520919PA138 (ANU), and the National Science Foundation. The research used resources of ANL's ATLAS facility, which is a DOE Office of Science user facility.

  1. K. Kumar and M. Baranger, Nucl. Phys. A 110, 529 (1968).
  2. F. K. McGowan $et~al$., Nucl. Phys. A 289, 253 (1977); W. T. Milner $et~al$., Nucl. Phys. A 177, 1 (1971); R. Kulessa, $et~al$., Phys. Lett. B 218, 421 (1989).
  3. E. Monnand $et~al$., Nucl. Phys. A 134, 321 (1969).
  4. V. S. Prasher, PhD thesis (2015).

Primary authors

Dr Vikram Prasher (University of Massachusetts Lowell) AJ Mitchell (Australian National University) Prof. Christopher Lister (University of Massachusetts Lowell) Partha Chowdhury (University of Massachusetts Lowell) Dr Lyuda Afanasieva (Louisiana State University) Dr Michael Albers (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr Christopher Chiara (Argonne National Laboratory, University of Maryland) Dr Michael Carpenter (Argonne National Laboratory) Prof. Douglas Cline (University of Rochester) Nate D’Olympia (University of Massachusetts Lowell) Dr Carol Guess (University of Massachusetts Lowell) Dr Adam Hayes (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dr Calem Hoffman (Argonne National Laboratory) Prof. Robert Janssens (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory) Dr Benjamin Kay (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr Teng Lek Khoo (Argonne National Laboratory,) Dr Amel Korichi (Argonne National Laboratory, IJCLab-IN2P3) Dr Torben Lauritsen (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr Edana Merchan (University of Massachusetts Lowell) Dr Yuan Qiu (University of Massachusetts Lowell) Dr Darek Seweryniak (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr Robert Shearman (University of Massachusetts Lowell, National Physical Laboratory, University of Surrey, ) Dr Sujit Tandel (University of Massachusetts Lowell) Mr Andrew Verras (University of Massachusetts Lowell) Dr Ching-Yen Wu (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Dr Shaofei Zhu (Argonne National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation Materials