20-24 September 2021
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Thank you to everyone who contributed towards a very successful ANPC 2021! Should you require a Certificate of Attendance, please contact us via email.

Advances in $^{211}$At production at Texas A&M University

23 Sep 2021, 14:00
Invited Talk Applied Nuclear Physics Session 10


Sherry Yennello (Texas A&M University)


Alpha emitting radionuclides with medically relevant half-lives are interesting for treatment of tumors and other diseases because they deposit large amounts of energy close to the location of the radioisotope. Researchers at the Cyclotron Institute at Texas A&M University are developing a program to produce $^{211}$At, an alpha emitter with a 7.2 h half-life. The properties of $^{211}$At make it a great candidate for targeted alpha therapy for cancer due to its short half-life and decay mechanism. Astatine-211 has now been produced multiple times and novel chemistry has been developed for the separation of the At from the Bi target. Innovations to improve the safety and reliability of this process have been enacted.

Primary author

Sherry Yennello (Texas A&M University)


Dr Lauren McIntosh (Texas A&M) Dr Gabriel Tabacaru (Texas A&M) Dr Jon Burns (Texas A&M) Dr Evgeny Tereshatov (Texas A&M) Laura McCann (Texas A&M) Steve Schultz (Texas A&M)

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