C1: LHC Detectors: Operational Experience
- Shimaa AbuZeid (INFN - Pavia (IT) and Ain Shams University (EG))
To cope with the increase of the LHC instantaneous luminosity, new
trigger readout electronics were installed on the ATLAS Liquid Argon
On the detector, 124 new electronic boards digitise at high speed 10
times more signals than the legacy system. Downstream, large FPGAs are
processing up to 20 Tbps of data to compute the deposited energies.
Moreover, a...
The Zero Degree Calorimeters (ZDC) were designed to provide the measurement of the event geometry and luminosity in heavy-ion operation.
In order to exploit the potential offered by the LHC increased luminosity in Run 3 the ZDC upgraded its readout system to be able to acquire all collisions in self-triggered mode without dead time.
The purpose of the upgrade was to enable the detector to...
Many physics analyses using the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the LHC require accurate, high resolution electron and photon energy measurements. Excellent energy resolution is crucial for studies of Higgs boson decays with electromagnetic particles in the final state, as well as searches for very high mass resonances decaying to energetic photons or electrons. The CMS electromagnetic...
This paper compares the historical temperature data of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (TileCal)
drawers, extracted from the Detector Control System (DCS). ATLAS TileCal is an experimental
tool used in particle physics for measuring the energy of particles. The TileCal DCS
continuously monitors all the hardware and infrastructure for each subsystem. The Tile-in-
One (TiO) tool is used to...
Abstract. The TileCal is the hadronic calorimeter found in the central region of the ATLAS. It is a sampling calorimeter made of steel tiles as the absorber material and scintillating tiles as the active medium. The light produced as the particle crosses the scintillator tiles is transmitted by the wavelength-shifting fibres. The PMT converts the light into an analog signal and transfers it to...
After successfully completing Phase I upgrades during LHC Long Shutdown 2, the ATLAS detector is back in operation with several upgrades implemented. The most important and challenging upgrade is in the Muon Spectrometer, where the two inner forward muon stations have been replaced with the New Small Wheels (NSW) system featuring two entirely new detector technologies: small strip Thin Gap...