F2: Future Energy Frontier Detectors
- manqi ruan (IHEP)
The talk will provide a brief description of the proposed Future Circular Collider (FCC) project and its physics program. According to the latest update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, the first stage of the project will be the construction of an approximately 90 km circular tunnel, instrumented with an e+e- collider based on established technologies. This would allow for an...
Among all “Higgs Factories”, the international Linear Collider project (ILC) with a first stage at 250 GeV, followed by an upgrade to higher energy, is by far the most advanced in terms of technology, maturity, cost, and preparations in international cooperation. A global design and R&D effort for baseline detector concepts, ILC and SiD, allowed drawing up the main specifications for the...
Muon colliders provide a unique route to deliver high energy collisions that enable discovery searches and precision measurements to extend our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics. All this at a single circular collider and on a feasible timescale, as reviewed in the frame of the European Roadmap for Accelerator R&D and during the U.S. Snowmass process. The recently formed...
The Future Circular Colliders (FCC) project is centered on the construction of a large, 91 km in circumference, circular tunnel located around the Geneva area. The project foresees two distinct phases of operation. In the first one, denominated FCC-ee, the tunnel will house an electron positron collider. FCC-ee will be operated at several center-of-mass energies, ranging from the Z peak to the...
A multi-TeV Muon Collider is a promising candidate for the next energy-frontier facility, combining in a single machine usually competing features, such as high energy reach, clean final states, and small environmental footprint. In particular, a collider with the centre-of-mass energy of 10 TeV is the long-term target of the ongoing design study, while lower intermediate energies are also...
A large, worldwide community of physicists is working to realize an exceptional physics program of energy-frontier, electron-positron collisions with the International Linear Collider (ILC) and other collider projects (summarized and evaluated in
The International Large Detector (ILD) is one of the proposed detector concepts at the next...