The MoEDAL detector, deployed at IP8 in 2010, was the LHC’s first dedicated search experiment. MoEDAL is designed to detect Highly Ionizing Particle avatars of BSM physics without requiring a restrictive trigger. MoEDAL’s MAPP-1 (MoEDAL Apparatus for Penetrating Particles) is currently being installed in UA83 adjacent to IP8 on the LHC ring MAPP-1’s purpose is to extend the reach of the MoEDAL experiment to include sensitivity to Feebly Ionizing Particles (FIPs) such as milli-charged particles. MAPP-1 combined with MoEDAL trapping detectors also has an unprecedented sensitivity to extremely long-lived massive charged particles. Additionally, MAPP-1 has some sensitivity to very long-lived neutral particles. The LHCC has also endorsed MoEDAL’s NoI to install the MAPP-2 detector for data taking at the High Luminosity LHC. MAPP-2 will greatly extend MoEDAL-MAPP’s reach in the search for LLPs. The reach of MAPP-2 is complementary to other planned LLP detectors and the existing LHC general-purpose detectors. In this talk, the MoEDAL-MAPP project for the LHC that includes competitive sensitivity to HIP, FIPs and LLPs, without relying on hardware triggers, will be described.