The Inner Tracker of the CMS experiment will be replaced during the Phase-2 upgrade in order to maintain nominal performance under the harsh conditions of HL-LHC. The main factors defining the new detector design are:
- radation dose: 1 MeV neutron equivalent fluence of up to 2.3 x 10^16 neq/cm^2 and a total ionizing dose (TID) of up to 12 MGy (1.2 Grad);
- projected hit rates of up to 3 GHz/cm^2;
- pile-up of 140-200 collisions per bunch crossing.
The core components of the Inner Tracker making it compatible with these conditions are pixel sensors with smaller thickness and finer pitch, as well as a new readout chip with improved radiation hardness.
This contribution will give an overview of the Phase-2 upgrade of the CMS pixel tracker, focusing on the ongoing testing and validation of module prototypes in preparation for large-scale production. This includes wafer-level testing of readout chips, laboratory characterisation of assembled module prototypes and testing their performance with charged-particle beams.