E1: HL-LHC: Tracker Upgrades
- Burkhard Schmidt (CERN)
Presentation Materials
A new all-silicon Inner Tracker (ITk) has been designed for the ATLAS experiment at the HL-LHC. As part of this, a new pixel detector consisting of a total area of approximately 12m2, will be constructed with planar and 3D pixel modules, mounted onto ring and stave shaped low mass carbon-fibre fibre support structures. The data will be transmitted optically to the off-detector readout...
The CMS experiment will be upgraded until 2028 to deal with the increased luminosity of the HL-LHC. During this Phase-2 Upgrade, the CMS Outer Tracker will be equipped with modules each assembled with two silicon sensors. These are placed on mechanical structures in form of ladders in the central barrel of the Outer Tracker or disks in the endcap region.
During the prototyping phase the...
In HL-LHC operation the instantaneous luminosity will reach unprecedented values, resulting in about 200 proton-proton interactions in a typical bunch crossing. The current ATLAS Inner Detector will be replaced by an all-silicon system, the Inner Tracker (ITk). The innermost part of ITk will consist of a state-of-the-art pixel detector.
Several different silicon sensor...
The Inner Tracking System of ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) will undergo a major upgrade during the next Long Shutdown of LHC aimed at enhancing the tracking capability. In particular, the three innermost sectors of the current vertex tracker will be replaced by truly cylindrical layers produced by using curved (wafer-scale) silicon sensors thinner than 50 µm, based on monolithic...
The building blocks of the ATLAS Strip Tracker for HL-LHC are modules that host silicon sensors and front-end electronics. The modules are mounted on carbon-fiber substructures hosting up to 14 modules per side. An End-of-Substructure (EoS) card on each substructure side connects up to 28 differential data lines at 640 Mbit/s to lpGBT and VL+ ASICs that provide data serialization and 10 GBit/s...
For the HL-LHC upgrade the current ATLAS Inner Detector is replaced by an all-silicon system. The pixel detector will consist of three different subsystems with different mechanical support structures, resulting in an actively instrumented area of about 13m$^2$. The Outer Barrel is made of longerons and inclined half-rings, the Outer Endcaps is made of half-rings and the Inner System consists...
The tight space constraints of the ATLAS ITk Pixel system motivate the design of large-scale flex circuits for carrying low-voltage power, high-voltage sensor bias, and command/data transmission. These circuits extend over long distances in the barrel or large areas in the endcap rings, and they pose unique design challenges. We report on the design and prototyping of large-scale flex circuits...