9-13 December 2024
Cape Town
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
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Development of a detector system at ACCULINNA-2 fragment separator

Not scheduled
Krystal Beach Hotel (Cape Town)

Krystal Beach Hotel

Cape Town



A. Bezbakh (FLNR, JINR)


A.A. Bezbakh1 for Acculinna-2 collaboration
1 Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, JINR, 141980 Dubna, Russia
Modern detector systems of light charged particles (E~1÷45 AMeV) and neutrons (E<30 MeV) for the experiments with radioactive beams at ACCULINNA-2 fragment-separator were designed and developed [1-4]. Using such technique new information about low energy spectra of the several neutron rich nuclei 7H, 7He and 8,9Li was obtained [5-7]. Main characteristics of these detectors and its future application are presented.
1. A.A. Bezbakh et al., Bull. Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 84, 491-494, 2020.
2. A.A. Bezbakh et al., Instruments Experimental Techniques, Vol.61, 631-638, 2018.
3. A.A. Bezbakh et al., Particles and Nuclei Letters Vol. 20, 629-636, 2023.
4. I.A. Muzalevsii et al., Bull. Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 84, 500-504, 2020.
5. A.A. Bezbakh et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 022502, 2020.
6. A.A. Bezbakh et al., Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, 2450002, 2024.
7. E.Yu. Nikolskii et al., NIM B 541, 121-125, 2023.

Primary author

A. Bezbakh (FLNR, JINR)

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