9-13 December 2024
Cape Town
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Registration for this event is closed

Student School @IASEN2024

Just before the International African Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, (IASEN 2024), iThemba LABS and the JINR will be coordinating a Student School, on Sunday 8th December 2024.
The School aims to provide an enriching experience to students by expanding the topics covered at IASEN2024.

The lectures will be given by world experts:

Production of Exotic Nuclei
- lain Moore, JYFL
Material Science and Exotic Nuclei
- Hillary Masenda, Wits
Nuclear Medicine and Exotic Nuclei
- Nick van der Meulen, PSI
Accelerator Physics
- Timur Kulevoy, ITEP Moscow
Beta-delayed charged particle spectroscopy
- Marek Pfutzner, Warsaw

Also see Flyer