9-13 December 2024
Cape Town
Africa/Johannesburg timezone
Registration for this event is closed

Role of nn and three-body interactions on the ground-state structure of 22C halo system

Not scheduled
Krystal Beach Hotel (Cape Town)

Krystal Beach Hotel

Cape Town



Mr Happy Vilakazi (UNISA & NRF - SAASTA)


In an effort to contrbitute towards a better understanding of the dynamics of three-body weakly-bound systems, we present an analysis of the effect of three-body and nucleon-nucleon interactions on the ground-state binding energy and wave function. It is found that the for a deeper three-body interaction, the 22C → 20C + n + n remains bound even when the neutron-neutron interaction is switched off, unlike what would be intuitively assumed. These results shed more light on the relevance of the three-body force in a three-body weakly-bound system. We believe this conclusion would be valid for other three-body weakly-bound neutron systems.

Primary author

Mr Happy Vilakazi (UNISA & NRF - SAASTA)


Prof. Bahati Mukeru (UNISA)

Presentation Materials

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