127I(nu,e)127Xe reaction for solar neutrino spectrum clarification (in session "Contributed Talks")
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A high precision narrow-band neutrino beam: the ENUBET project (in session "Invited Talks")
Ab initio nuclear theory for beyond standard model physics (in session "Invited Talks")
Annual modulation with DAMA/LIBRA-phase2 (in session "Invited Talks")
Axial Vector Form Factors of the Nucleon using lattice QCD (in session "Contributed Talks")
BBN, Underground Nuclear Astrophysics and Neutrinos (in session "Contributed Talks")
Benchmarking aspects of weak interaction physics via precision beta decay spectroscopy and two-nucleon transfer reactions (in session "Invited Talks")
Borexino solar neutrino data as a probe of non-standard neutrino properties (in session "Contributed Talks")
Calculation of the neutrino-nuclear reaction cross-sections for 𝑮𝒆𝟕𝟔 nuclei and estimation of the solar neutrino background in the GERDA/LEGEND experiments. (in session "Contributed Talks")
COHERENT’s Neutrino-Induced Neutron Detectors (in session "Contributed Talks")
COSINE experiment - A WIMP dark matter search experiment with NaI(Tl) detectors (in session "Invited Talks")
CUPID-0: a double-readout cryogenic detector for DBD (in session "Contributed Talks")
Dark Matter Direct Detection with Noble Liquids (in session "Invited Talks")
Dark Matter searches at Belle II (in session "Contributed Talks")
Decay Characteristics of the Scissors Mode of 0νββ-Decay Partner Isotopes* (in session "Contributed Talks")
Deflection of cosmic neutrino by a stellar magnetic field (in session "Contributed Talks")
DELight – Searching for light dark matter using superfluid helium (in session "Contributed Talks")
Detection of supernova neutrino signal with NOvA detectors (in session "Contributed Talks")
EARTH, a meeting of neutrino- and nuclear- physics. (in session "Contributed Talks")
EDELWEISS: searching for low-mass dark matter particles with germanium low-temperature detectors (in session "Contributed Talks")
Enlightening the dark with XENON1T and looking forward to XENONnT (in session "Contributed Talks")
First results from the neutrino mass experiment KATRIN (in session "Invited Talks")
First-forbidden transitions in the reactor antineutrino ux and spectral anomalies (in session "Invited Talks")
GERDA Highlights: Probing the Majorana Neutrino Mass at 100 meV (in session "Contributed Talks")
GT Nuclear resonances for 71Ga(nu,e)71Ge reaction investigation (in session "Contributed Talks")
HALO-1kT - Status and Design (in session "Invited Talks")
Heavy ion charge exchange reactions as probes for nuclear β-decay (in session "Invited Talks")
Hints of non-unitarity in the present T2K and NO$\nu$A data (in session "Contributed Talks")
Hunting Down Solar Neutrinos; an Extraordinary South African Particle Physics Safari. (in session "Invited Talks")
Implications of new theoretical calculations on reactor antineutrino and gallium anomalies (in session "Contributed Talks")
Limits on the spectral parameters of core-collapse neutrinos extracted from the Diffuse Supernovae Neutrino Flux (DSNvF). (in session "Contributed Talks")
LiquidO detector development (in session "Invited Talks")
Majorana neutrino mass generation, $0\nu\beta\beta$-decay and nuclear matrix elements (in session "Invited Talks")
MAJORANA, LEGEND, and the future of the search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay in Ge-76 (in session "Invited Talks")
NEON - Neutrino Elastic-scattering Observation with NaI(Tl) (in session "Contributed Talks")
Neutrino masses, mixings and electroweak nuclear physics (in session "Invited Talks")
Neutrino-induced reactions on $^{13}$C and $^{16}$O at supernova neutrino energies (in session "Contributed Talks")
Neutrinos from CCSN and the contribution of nuclear experiments (in session "Invited Talks")
Neutrinos in DUNE: long-baseline oscillations and non-beam physics (in session "Invited Talks")
New results from the CUORE experiment (in session "Invited Talks")
Nuclear Matrix Elements of neutrinoless double beta decay calculated by Monte Carlo Shell Model for 76Ge and 136Xe (in session "Invited Talks")
Nuclear processes and effective weak couplings (in session "Invited Talks")
Nuclear responses for double beta decay and muon capture (in session "Invited Talks")
Nuclear structure observables to shed light on neutrinoless double-beta decay (in session "Invited Talks")
Precision mass measurements for nuclear and neutrino physics studies (in session "Invited Talks")
Probing Dark Energy with the SKA in Africa (in session "Invited Talks")
Prospects for pair-transfer reactions at iThemba LABS (in session "Contributed Talks")
Q-value measurements of rare weak beta decays with JYFLTRAP (in session "Contributed Talks")
Quenching of the spin-isospin response in nuclei (in session "Invited Talks")
Recent results and perspectives on beta decay, double beta decay and lepton flavour violation (in session "Invited Talks")
Recent results on nuclear reactions of interest for neutrinoless double beta decay at INFN-LNS within the NUMEN project (in session "Invited Talks")
ReD: a SiPM based LAr TPC for directionality studies (in session "Contributed Talks")
Results and future perspectives of Borexino (in session "Invited Talks")
Roles of Neutrinos in Explosive Nucleosynthesis of Supernovae and Neutron-Star Mergers and Cosmic Evolution (in session "Invited Talks")
Searching for neutrinoless double beta of 100Mo: the CUPID-Mo experiment (in session "Contributed Talks")
Sensitivity to the neutrinoless double beta decay of the DARWIN observatory (in session "Contributed Talks")
Solar Models and Neutrino: where do we stand? (in session "Invited Talks")
Status and perspectives of the Hyper-Kamiokande project (in session "Invited Talks")
Status and prospects of the KM3NeT/ORCA (in session "Contributed Talks")
Status of the Mo-100 based AMoRE neutrinoless double beta decay experiment (in session "Invited Talks")
Status of the SuperNEMO Experiment (in session "Invited Talks")
Status of the T2K experiment (in session "Invited Talks")
Sterile neutrino searches with the ICARUS detector (in session "Contributed Talks")
Study of kinematic factors in double-beta decay (in session "Invited Talks")
Tests of three-neutrino paradigm by MINOS and MINOS+ Experiments (in session "Contributed Talks")
The CONUS Experiment and future potential of coherent neutrino scattering (in session "Invited Talks")
The CROSS experiment: rejecting surface events with PSD (in session "Contributed Talks")
The Electron Capture in $^{163}$Ho experiment, ECHo (in session "Invited Talks")
The nEXO double-beta decay experiment (in session "Invited Talks")
The role of neutrino-nucleus reactions in supernova nucleosynthesis (in session "Invited Talks")
The search for eV sterile neutrinos with the STEREO experiment (in session "Contributed Talks")
Theoretical description of half-lives and electron spectra for higher order forbidden non-unique $\beta$ decays (in session "Contributed Talks")
Theory of Double-Beta Decay from First Principles (in session "Invited Talks")
Update on the HOLMES experiment to directly measure the neutrino mass (in session "Contributed Talks")
What we can learn from CEvNS? (CEvNS - Coherent Elastic Neutrino Nucleus Scattering) (in session "Invited Talks")
Include materials from selected contributions